Welcome to Millfields Community School
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Latest News
Message from Headteacher
It seems to have been a very long week for us all. Following on from my earlier email to the school community, the confirmation of the school financial position means that we find ourselves in a position where changes must be made in order to future-proof the financial viability of the school, and therefore there is the need for an imminent re-structure. The falling rolls -fewer children of school age, the national education funding cuts, unfunded pay awards and the lack of SEND funding have all contributed to this over the last few years. This is and will continue to be a challenging time for us all, so thank you to those who have already contacted me with your understanding and support.
However the children in class and around school and the local community have of course continued to have enriching and enjoyable learning experiences this week.
Firstly, a massive congratulations to our girls football team -Rosie, Safi, Tianna, Mia, Iris B, Iris J Rose and Alina who represented Millfields brilliantly and were almost the champions, until a late winner from the opposition snatched the gold medal from them! BUT a very worthy silver medal -well done girls! Thank you to Izaac and Sharon for their support! And thank you to Simon at Vitale Digital who bought/sponsored the lovely new football strips for both girls and boys! Massive Thank you!
Today was NSPCC Numbers day! THANK YOU to everyone for getting into the spirit and dressing up! There were some fabulous t-shirt designs, lots of dominoes and dice, as well as lots of homemade maths puzzles. Thank you also for the donations that will be sent directly to the NSPCC to support vital services like 'Speak out Stay safe' and Childline. We have raised more than £400! The children have enjoyed a day of Maths puzzles, games and problems. Thank you to Emma for organising us all!
Finally, we are all very excited for next week as it is 'Creative week'. The theme this year is 'Look Around' combined with the theme of this year's Children's Mental Health Day -'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself' when the children will think about the more we know ourselves, the more able we are to connect and form strong, healthy relationships, and the more we know ourselves and feel supported by our connections, the more able we are to cope with life’s challenges.
The children in each year group will be focussing on one thing e.g. buildings in Reception, birds in Y2 or Transport in Y5. The children will then produce pieces of artwork based on their specific area throughout the week. For those who are new to Millfields this year, all of the work produced during this week - something from every child, will form an exhibition that parents are invited to visit. Our Art Exhibition will be ready for you all to see on Wednesday 5th March from 4pm-7pm - save the date and look out for more information via email, text about how to book a ticket for the sell-out event!
Also today, all of the children have been making their Art Sketchbooks for next week!
In the meantime, you could get creative and produce w=soem amazing artwork to submit to the Royal Academy of Art. See the link here for more information: https://youngartists.royalacademy.org.uk/get-involved.
I hope you have a good weekend. Take care and stay well. Best Wishes, Jane
Message from Headteacher
We have had another wonderful week of learning, despite the weather and the need for wet play! It is always quite tricky for many children to be inside all day, so we have tried tohave some time outside even if it is slightly raining. There have been so many exciting lessons and learning happening across the school.
Last week, a Y5 team took part in the cross Hackney Dodgeball competition. They really enjoyed it, played well, and came 4th! Well done! Thank you to Sharon for supporting them.T
he Nursery children have made kites and luckily we have had lots of wind this week, so they really enjoyed trying them out in the local park earlier this week. Reception classeshave been learning about space, and have been reading books, painting and drawing, learning about planets, rockets, martians and lots more. Shannon Class shared their learning in a lovely first Sharing Assembly this morning. Thank you to all the parents whocame and for your support in getting the children ready. It was lovely to see and hear allthe children confidently sharing what they have learnt with other EYFS children and theirparents. Well done and thank you to all the children in Karisimbi Class as well. They shared their learning about toys from the past and all their other learning so far this term! Thank you to all the parents who came along.
In Science, Y4 classes have been learning to recognise that vibrations from a sound travel through a medium to the ear. In Year 6 Science the children were experimenting with light and shadow. In Geography, Year 5 classes have been learning more about the UK, especially about human and physical geography, the use of land and how this has changed over time. Y2 classes have worked on some beautiful artwork this week inspired by Georgia O’Keefe, and have also been learning about Mary Seacole in History. Y1 classes have been finding out about the kind of toys that their parents might have used and have alsolearnt the story of Guru Nanak.
Thank you also to the parents who attended the Y4 Multiplication Tables Parent Information session on Tuesday. We hope you found it useful and that it will help you support your child to get ready for the tests that take place in June. Please look out for the Power-Point and other information via email for those who could not make it to the session. Thanks to Emma for organising.
Again, thank you also to all the many Reception parents who attended the Reading session on Monday -we hope you found the session useful and that your child will benefit! Thank you to Sheyenne and Kimberlie for organising and sharing the resources we use in school. After half term, we will be asking parents to volunteer to read in Reception classes at the end of the day, so watch out for the email/on Google Classroom to sign up!
Finally, many of you will know that Hackney schools and the Hackney Music Service hold an annual Music Gala at the Hackney Empire that showcases the best of the very talented Hackney children and young people! Hidaya-Rose, in Yangtze class was part of the brilliant ensemble, playing her violin. Well done Hidaya, we are very proud of you! Please come and ask if you are interested and we can pass on the details.
I hope you have a good weekend. Take care and stay well. Jane
Message from Headteacher
We have had another wonderful week of learning at Millfields! The children have all been very busy in class and around the school. Very excitingly today, around 10am, there was a power cut that affected the whole of the ground floor and first floor mezzanine rooms -this meant no electricity until around 2pm, so no computers, no whiteboards, no magnets on main gates, no telephones, no kitchen facilities, no lights etc etc. A massive thank you to all the children and all the staff for helping out in so many different ways to ensure that the school remained safe, the learning continued and everyone had something to eat! There were cheers from around the school when the lights and screens all came back on!
Reception classes have been learning about space, and have been reading books, painting and drawing -learning about planets, rockets, martians and lots more. Trent Class shared their learning in a lovely first Sharing Assembly this morning. Thank you to all the parents who came, and for your support in getting the children ready. It was amazing to see and hear all the children, even though a few were a little bit shy, sharing what they have learnt with other EYES children and their parents. Well done Trent Class!
Next week, we have lots of meetings for parents to support your child's learning. On Monday 27th January, we are asking Reception parents to come in for a meeting about early reading at either 9am or 5.15pm -this session will only last about half an hour, but will hopefully be very useful! Then on Tuesday 28th January at 9am or 5pm, for Y4 parents, there will be an information session about the Y4 Multiplication Tables Test that every child in England takes later this year. We hope to see lots of you there.
Congratulations and well done to the Y5 and Y6 Cyclists who took part in a Roller Bike session this week as part of the Hackney Cycling League. We had quite a few top 3 spots and we continue to lead the Hackney league table after 4 events. Thanks to parents, Anthony and Saga and to Nishie for their support.
Vicky met with our Eco-Champions this week, and I would like to remind you that they are very keen for you all to get involved in the National Birdwatch. The Big Garden Birdwatch is for everyone, whether you're a complete beginner or a twitching expert. Simply count the birds you see in your garden, from your balcony or in your local park for one hour between 24th and 26th January 2025. More information here: https://www.rspb.org.uk/whats-happening/big-garden-birdwatch
It is nearly that time of the year for Millfields 'Creative Week'. This is happening from Monday 10th -Friday 14th February when the children will all be immersed in this year's creative project that combines creativity with mental health. The theme this year is 'Know Yourself, Grow Yourself.' The children will produce pieces of artwork based on this theme throughout the week. For those who are new to Millfields this year, all of the work produced during this week - something from every child, will form an exhibition that parents are invited to visit. This will take place after half term on Wednesday 5th March, from 4pm-7pm, so please save the date.
Finally, we will have news about the new boilers/radiators and the completed roof, and scaffolding removal in the next week or so! Exciting times!!
Have a great weekend. Stay well and stay safe.
Message from Headteacher
The children have all been working hard and been very busy as usual in class and around school and the wider community.
Y1 classes visited Stepney City Farm this week as part of their Science work this term on animals. They were really lucky with the weather and enjoyed learning more about animals in a Workshop 'Introduction to Farm animals'. They were all really excited to tell me about what they had seen and the animals that they were allowed to touch! Following on from the workshop in school last week, Y2 have continued their work on inspirational women.
Y6 have been reading and researching life in Victorian times and today, as part of their RE work, they had a talk and Q&A session from a local vicar ahead of their visit to a church in the next few weeks. We are encouraging leaders of all faiths to come into school to talk to classes as part of their Religion and World Views curriculum. If you or someone you know could help here, please do get in touch via info@millfields.hackney.sch.uk Y5 have continued their work on 'Our Changing World' including coastal erosion, and Y3 classes are really enjoying finding out about the Romans in their reading lessons and history lessons, and Y4 are learning all about Spain as a contrasting European country. There will be trips and workshops to enhance this learning over the next couple of weeks.
With regards to all the work happening to the building, I hope (fingers crossed) that we are nearly at the conclusion of the boiler and new radiator works. The pumps have not yet been connected and the radiators all checked, but by the end of next weekend, I really hope that they will be, and the job completed! Also, the roof works, apart from the velux windows in the Nursery and a few snagging jobs, is finished. This means that over the next few holidays, some weekends and possibly some days in school, the scaffolding will start to come down! We are hoping that it will be clear of scaffolding by the end of the Easter holiday. Again, fingers crossed! The children, and staff and you probably will not believe how big the playground is after that!!
Also, a reminder that we need to have up-to-date address and phone number details for your child -we need at least 2 numbers for every child. Please either send an email to info@ or call the main office to update any details.
Finally, it is Sibling Photo Day on Monday 20th January, so please make sure that your children are wearing their uniform, hair brushed and looking smart!
I hope you all have a good weekend. Take care, keep well and stay warm! Best Wishes, Jane
Message from Headteacher
Happy New Year and welcome back to all our children and families. The children have returned looking well-rested, much taller and with lots of stories about their holidays with family and friends. We also welcomed Laurence officially to the Millfields teaching team, as he will be the substantive teacher in Ganges Class. This means that we said a sad farewell to Orla at the end of last term - I know that we all wish her the very best for the future! We have also welcomed a few new children and their families to different classes across the school this week, but also said 'goodbye' to families who have moved out of London. Good luck to them in their new schools!
It has been a busy first week back and we have loved our learning, especially today as it is 'Hispanic Day'. We really enjoyed seeing all the children and staff dressed up to celebrate all things Hispanic today. Some great costumes and lots of colours from the flags of Spanish-speaking countries - thank you. As part of this week's learning, children across the school have been learning about different artists including Miro, Picasso and Frida Kahlo and have produced some lovely artwork, and each year-group has also been researching a different Hispanic country and have learnt lots of new information and facts! Some classes have also been learning a few Salsa moves during PE lessons. Year 3 classes made their own pinata and had great fun trying to find out what was inside! Y2 also had a tasty guacamole treat this afternoon. Thanks also to the kitchen staff who created a Spanish-themed lunch for today. Thank you everyone for joining in and making this a fun first week! All of the week's activities wouldn't have been possible without the enthusiasm and organisation from our Spanish teacher, Belen, so a huge 'thank you' Belen!
Reception Classes visited the Science Museum this week as part of their learning this term, and in the next few weeks there will be lots of WOW trips for each class. This is a trip that adds context and interest to the class topic! Please make sure that you have signed the 'All London Trips letter' ASAP and also made a contribution to WOW trips via Scopay. Many thanks for your support. There are some trips planned for next week, so please look out for details on Google Classroom.
I continue to be amazed by the generosity of the Millfields community - the Millfields Food Stall started again this week and was busy as ever, and more so with the continuing cost of living crisis. The families using the Family Food Stall are so grateful and it makes such a difference in these tough times for us all. Please drop any items to the main office on Wednesday, ready for the following day. We always need eggs, tins of soup, pasta, rice, tuna, tinned fruit, veg and meat soup and biscuits, as well as loo roll, washing powder and shower gel. Anything else is also gratefully received. Thank you!
Please make sure that you and your child check's Google Classroom for information and home learning projects/homework. The termly learning booklet for each class will be sent out via email and posted there early next week. Please also look out for dates for Y5 Kench Hill Parent Meetings, Reception Reading meeting for parents, Y4 Times Tables test parent meetings and Y1 Phonics Test Parent meetings coming up this half term. Reminder texts will also be sent!
Finally, a reminder about school starting times. School starts at 8:40am for children in Nursery, Reception, Y1 & Y2, so you need to be at school for 8:35am so the children are in class and ready to learn at 8:40am. For children in Y3, Y4, Y5 & Y6, school starts at 8:50am, so please be at school for 8:45am so they are in class at 8.50am.
Have a good weekend. Stay warm and well. Take care. Jane
Message from Headteacher
HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. Very best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2025.
I hope you had a good time over the holidays with family and friends.
Spring term 2025 starts on Monday 6th January. I look forward to seeting you all then.
Message from Headteacher
Hurrah, and thank you everyone, we made it, (well most of us) to the end of term! We celebrated the end of term today with 2 'Sing along' concerts with the children. All of the staff joined in and entertained the children with Christmas carols and songs to say a very, merry Christmas and happy holidays to everyone. Classes also had a party to celebrate and/or went to the cinema.
It has been a long term but a very productive one for all the children and the school community - the children have worked so hard at school and home! This was evidenced brilliantly with the homework projects that the children have been bringing in and have been displayed in classes for us all to see.
Well done to all the classes - children and staff, for their amazing costumes, enthusiasm and beautiful singing for our Winter Concerts this week. Each concert was a delight and really got us all in the Christmas spirit! A big 'thank you' to the church for letting us use the venue over the last 2 weeks! Big, big thanks to all the staff for getting the children ready to perform, and 'big thanks' to the Music Team -especially Roz and Tom. A special 'well done' to the Nursery and reception classes who started out week with a brilliant concert that they performed twice in front of a packed school hall. One of the highlights of my week for sure! Thank you to all of you for supporting your children and for joining in with the festive fun with some impressive singing and dancing -you know who you are!
On Monday, all the classes took part in our first TastEd Day. This was a food technology day where the children enjoyed eating, feeling, seeing and hearing (yes, hearing) a range of different fruits and vegetables. This was a great experience for the children to work with food and expand their tastes. Thanks to Bruno for organising the day, and to parent Anna Jones and colleagues from TastEd for coming in to support us. And big thanks to food supplier Natoora for donating all the wonderful fresh produce!
Also this week, the children have all enjoyed a trip to somewhere in London this week for our traditional termly 'London Day'. The children have all reported that they enjoyed their class trips to places such as the National Gallery, Young V&A Museum, Docklands Museum, Science Museum, Wallace Collection, Tate Modern and Nursery visited the local library on their first trip out! It is so fantastic that we get to take the children to so many places in our wonderful city! Thank you to all the parents who volunteered their time to help out on the trips
As part of our end of term celebrations, each teacher chooses a child for the Headteacher Hot Chocolate award. We all had a lovely time with warm hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows , biscuits and chocolate coins! Well done to all the children for being so great!
A huge ‘thank you’ to the whole school community who have been bringing in food donations for the Christmas Bags over the last few weeks. As ever, we are thankful for your individual and collective generosity. Massive thank you to Heather, Kate and others who helped Rema to get the Food Hampers ready! Thank you also to the parents who made cash donations to the Food Bank, and to you all for money collections after each concert for the church. Thank you also, to all of you for the lovely gifts that the staff have received. You are very generous and giving, and it is very much appreciated!
Finally, thank you for all your support during another busy term for us all, with a few new challenges as always, for children, staff and families, and as always, we have all worked together, so thank you everyone.
Have a lovely holiday and enjoy the festive period. Term starts for the children on Monday 6th January.
Merry Christmas' everyone. And 'Hanukkah Sameach' to those celebrating Hanukkah. Take care, Jane