Welcome to Millfields Community School


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Message from Headteacher

Fri 18 Oct 2024


It has been a busy week on the sporting front at Millfields. A huge well done to the boys football team who had an amazing day on Wednesday at the Hackney Borough 7aside Football tournament. They were up against 20 other Hackney primary schools and returned triumphant winners! Great news, and big ‘well done’ to all the boys -Jaiden, Kamari, Lawrell, Bay, Seb, Suleiman, Asher, Ronnie and Cosimo. Thank you to Izaac and Sharon for organising and for moral support!
Also, well done to all the Y5 and Y6 cyclists who took part in the first Hackney Cycling League race of the year -the hardest race, Springfield Hill Climb! Well done to all involved -some good times to get us off to a good start on the league table! Thanks Nishie for organising!
A big 'thank you' to the parents in Mekong Class and Ganges Class who came into school to watch their child's Sharing Assembly this morning. They have done lots of work already this term and I hope you enjoyed the children sharing it with you!
Also this week, our Reading Champions visited the Town Hall on Wednesday to attend the launch event for this year. Our Champions were true ambassadors for Millfields, and spoke confidently and critically anoint their role!  Well done to Zamzam, Leondre and Esha! Thanks to Vickie and Sheyene too!
We have also had a visit from the Fire Services this week Y2 and Y5 classes too part in a class-based workshop about the dangers of fire and how to stay safe and be aware of potential fire dangers.
Thank you to all the parents who have made donations to our weekly Food Bank. We always welcome anything you can add to your weekly shop -pasta, pasta sauce, tinned tomatoes, chickpeas, kidney beans, tinned fruit, rice, cereals, shower gel, shampoo.
Another reminder that to celebrate the end of Black History season, the whole school is being encouraged to dress up as part of a non-uniform day on Friday 25th October. We will be wearing red clothes for 'Show Racism the Red Card'. £1 donations -cash or card, will be collected at each gate on Friday morning. Thanks in advance!
Finally, if you have not already,  please complete the WOW trips letter and contributions as soon as you can. Y5 and Y6, please note, the option to pay the deposit for the residential trip is now open.  Y5 have a 2 night trip to the Hackney-owned Kench Hill in Tenterden Kent, and Y6 will be under canvas at a camp near Kings Langley in Hertfordshire. Please sign up for this brilliant opportunity via the link sent out on email via Scopay.
Please note that half term is Monday 28th October -Friday 1st November. Children will be back in school on Monday 4th November.
Have a good weekend. Take care, stay well and keep safe. Jane

Parents Evening Autumn 2024

Mon 14 Oct 2024


Tuesday 15th October 4pm-7pm & Wednesday 16th October 4pm-6pm

Message from Headteacher

Fri 11 Oct 2024


In class this week, the children have continued to work on Black History Month learning and all the children enjoyed a steel pans assembly that explained the tradition and how to play them, and allowed the children to listen to that beautiful steel pan sound. Then children in Y2, Y5 and Y6 took part in a fabulous steel pan workshop. They all absolutely loved it and they sounded great too!

The children are responding to and learning through reading specific texts in each year group. Early Years - Coming to England, Year 1 - Look Up, Mae Among the Stars, Year 2 - The Bus Ride, Year 3 - Long Walk to Freedom, Year 4 - Walter Tull’s Scrapbook, Year 5 - March On, Year 6 - Hidden Figures. The discussion and debate around their learning has been fantastic. Children at Millfields love to learn and ask lots of probing and curious questions, so their learning and making connections across subjects in school and the wider community and beyond has been brilliant.

In addition, as part of enriching the curriculum during Black History Month, the children have taken part in/or will be taking part in workshops at Hackney Museum, highlighting the stories. The conversations, debates and discussion in every class I have visited have been so intelligent, considered, inquisitive and respectful. Please talk to your children about their learning this week, and make it a routine every Friday. Please also check for news and information about your child's class on Google Classroom.

Another reminder that to celebrate the end of Black History season, the whole school is being encouraged to dress up as part of a non-uniform day on Friday 25th October. We will be wearing red clothes for 'Show Racism the Red Card'. £1 donations will be collected at each gate on Friday morning. Many of you have asked about the end of Black History Month celebration evening - this will take place on Wednesday 6th November. We realise that this is not in the month of October, but we always celebrate the amazing work and learning at the end of the month, so that we have time to complete the work and present it to parents/carers, and this year, it will be at the beginning of the new half term that happens to be at the beginning of November. Look out for more information in the coming week, and hope to see lots of you there!

Also this week, Y5 classes visited Bruce Grove Museum to take part in worskhops about the Stne Age as part of their History work. 

A big 'thank you' to the parents in Yangtze Class and Yukon Class who came into school to watch their child's Sharing Assembly this morning. They have done lots of work already this term and I hope you enjoyed the children sharing with you!

Finally a few reminders, please complete the WOW trips letter and contributions as soon as you can. Y5, please note, the option to sign up for the residential trip is now open via the Google Form on the email  this brilliant opportunity!

Next week -Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October are this term's Parents' Evenings. Please make sure you sign up via Scopay to make an appointment before 8pm on Monday 14th October. 

Have a good weekend. Take care, stay well and keep safe. Jane


Message from Headteacher

Fri 04 Oct 2024


We are at the end of week 5 already this academic year, and  the children and staff have been as busy as ever!

This week, children started reading books in class and during their English lessons that celebrate and promote our learning about black history as part of the Black History season that extends throughout October. Yesterday was National Poetry Day and we marked this special day by studying specific poets and their poems. The younger children learnt about Valerie Bloom, Y3 and Y4 children read and learnt about Grace Nichols, and Y5 and Y6 studied the words and performance of poet Benjamin Zephaniah. The children read poems, had poems read to them,, wrote their own poems and some even performed their own poems, and those of their focus poet,  in front of their friends. There was so much excitement and enjoyment sharing poems, sharing responses to poems. performing and adding musical effects/soundscapesraising, while also raising the profile of amazing poets as part of our Black History Month season.

The work from the whole month will help create a showcase and display in school that will be shared with the school community at our celebration event on Wednesday 6th November.  There will be Steel Pan Music & Choir, Food, Displays of learning outcomes, photos, pupil voice, writing samples and homework projects displayed and hopefully some poetry performances. Save the date! Look out for more information about the homework project in the next few weeks. Then on Friday 25th October, the children are invited to wear red to school that day to support 'Show Racism the Red Card'.

A big 'well done' to Orinoco Class and Mississippi classes who shared their learning so far this term in assembly today.  The children had learnt so much about the Amazon and rainforests, and recalled their trip to Kew garden, as well as singing a beautiful song about saving the earth. Thank you to all the parents who came along to support their child.

You should have seen an email this week about becoming a Parent Governor at Millfields. A Parent Governor works with the board to make sure it effectively carries out the duties by bringing a parental perspective to the governing board, however, you are not there to speak ‘on behalf’ of the parent body. So, to be a parent governor you should have: *A strong commitment to the role and to improving outcomes for children and *Good interpersonal skills, curiosity, and a willingness to learn and develop new skills Please do make an appointment to see me if you are interested. If we receive more than 2 nominations for the positions, voting will take place during the week beginning 14th October.

Finally, yesterday was E-safety day at Millfields. All the children were reminded about the amazing resource that the internet can be, but also about the dangers and the things to be aware of when using any form of online game, accessing social media or looking at websites.  The children and staff will all be asked to sign an individual Acceptable Use Agreement over the next week.  The important message is that children need to be aware that there could be a danger, and know to always ask an adult if something does not look right or they are unsure, and to know that they should not click on anything without checking first.  Please talk to your child about staying safe on the internet and be aware of your responsibility as a parent/carer to guide your child and not allow access to sites/media that is for an older age group.

Enjoy being outside and getting out and about over the weekend and hope you take advantage of the forecast for no rain!

Take care, and stay well. Jane


Message from Headteacher

Fri 27 Sep 2024


We have had a very busy and productive week at Millfields - the children have been really engaged in their learning as always.  The best part of my day is walking around school and visiting each class to see and speak to the children about what they are doing in class.  The children always talk about their learning enthusiastically and want to show me their fantastic work.  It is such a pleasure to witness and be part of every day.  Time seems to be flying by! Only 4 weeks until half term!  Just a reminder that half term is Monday 28th - Friday 1st November.

For new parents and families, we have several opportunities throughout the year to meet the teacher to find out how your child is doing in school. We have listened to feedback and this year are having the first Parents Evenings before half term on Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th October. reported feedback was that you felt that an earlier opportunity to meet the teacher would be more beneficial so that any issues or support could be identified and dealt with earlier! You will receive information next week about how to sign up -you will need a Scopay account, so if you do not have one, please get that sorted ASAP.

Before that, on Tuesday 8th October at 9am there will be a 'Welcome Meeting' for all Reception parents/carers. This will be for the whole year group and will be an opportunity to hear about the learning that will be taking place in class, about routines, and also how you can support your child. The EY lead will be there, as well as the SENCo and other members of SLT.

Another date for your diary is the Black History Season celebration that will take place on Wednesday 6th November after the children have completed all the work that will begin next week. This is a lovely family event where we share the children's great work and share lovely food too. This includes celebrating National Poetry Day by looking at significant poets from the Caribbean, Class Projects -each class/year group will study a different Caribbean country, reading Black History Texts (English & History), visits to Hackney Museum for Workshops and taking part in steel pan in-school workshops. In addition there will be a Homework Project, and Non-uniform Day on Friday 25th October for 'Show Racism the Red Card'.

The Millfields & Empathy Animals Dog Show, 'Dog's Day Out' takes place tomorrow Saturday 28th September in the school playground.  Please see the posters and look on Google Classroom for more information. No need to pre-register your dog

Also, to remind you to please write your child's name in their clothing -we have so much lost property already! Thanks for your help with this!

Finally, I do hope to see some of you and your dogs at the show tomorrow. If not, I hope you have a good weekend. Take care, Jane


Message from Headteacher

Fri 20 Sep 2024


We are at the end of another busy week - it seems like we have been back for ages, and it's only the end of week 3!

Last Sunday was the Thames Festival, and 12 of our KS2 choir members took part in the London School Choirs event. It was a beautiful sunny day, the sound of the 200 plus children singing and the whole atmosphere and experience was amazing for the children and their families. Well done to all the children involved and thank you to Roz and Tom for organising, and to Emma for coming along to help out!

Individual school photos were taken on Tuesday, and all of the children looked so smart in their uniforms.  The photos are available to purchase via the QR code on the slip that your child should have brought home.  Please see your child's teacher in the first instance, and then Rema at the main office if you have not received yours!  Sibling photos will be taken later this term - watch out for the date!

Well done to all the Reception and Nursery children who are coming in through the gates on their own now and skipping down to their classrooms. There are still a few children finding the morning separation difficult but they will soon join their classmates - parents don't worry!  The children will get there in their own time!

Millfields have already been busy on the sporting front, as on Wednesday, 8 of our very keen Y3 & Y4 children took part in a Hackney tennis tournament.  The children had a good time and played so well, and even though they didn't win, they were  very good losers! Great effort everyone.  Well done to Julio, Yannick, Dylan, Dexter, Aubrey, William, Tabitha and Megan!  Thanks to Adele and Chris for taking them and encouraging them! Also on Wednesday, Y3 and Y4 girls played in the Hackney Football tournament. They played so well for the first time altogether, and made the semi finals, eventually coming 3rd overall. Well done to the girls team -Artemis, Margo, Freya, Coraly, Orla, Audrey, Annie, Florence, Cecily and Nina! Superstars! And thanks to Izaac and Sharon for supporting the team.

Well done also to both boys and girls from Y5 & Y6 who took part in the Hackney District Trials last week. They were up against some tough competition and some great players, and some got through to the next round! I will update you next week! Well done to everyone who tried out. Thanks to Sharon and Izacc for supporting the children.

Also this week, our classes have started visiting Hackney Museum as part of the whole school work on Black History Month that is officially in October. Every class in Y1 -Y6 will visit the Hackney Museum as part of their learning. This week, Fitz Roy, Shenandoah, Orinoco  This experience will enhance their learning in class, and help with their project work in class. Other classes will be visiting over the next few weeks until half term, and beyond.

The Hackney Museum Exhibition is the story of carnival in Hackney and is a new exhibition that brings together this history for the first time. For those who don't know, Hackney has been the home of carnival groups since the 1970s when Caribbean communities settled in the borough. Since then, Hackney Carnival has evolved into a community celebration that takes over the streets with a parade of mass bands, steel pans and soca music.The exhibition features the stories of carnival groups in Hackney over 50 years, explored through costumes, photographs, videos, and child-friendly interactives and exhibits. It is well worth a visit.

And of course, it is the Hackney Carnival this weekend -Sunday 22nd September, back after a 5 year absence! Hackney Carnival is the second biggest  See the flyer later in the Mag.

The Millfields & Empathy Animals Dog Show, 'Dog's Day Out' takes place next Saturday 28th September in the school playground.  Please see the QR code on the posters later in the Mag and on the email sent out. Please get your dog registered, or just come to take part in the fun! There will be food, games, tombola, dog trick classes, dog photo booth and lots more as well as the competition itself!

The Friday Bake sale starts again today, so please support the school and PSA by buying a cake or two, and when it is your class turn, please help with donating cakes and/or helping on the day.

Thank you to the parents and carers who came to the Y1 and Y2 parent reading sessions in classes today. This happens every Friday from 8.35am until 8.55am. Everyone is welcome!

Finally, thank you to all of you for making the start of term such a smooth one. Working together -being ready ,respectful, safe! Please see the Millfields behaviour expectations on the school website. www.millfields.hackney.sch.uk

I hope you have a good weekend.

Best Wishes, Jane


Message from Headteacher

Fri 13 Sep 2024


We are at the end of a busy week at Millfields- it seems like we have been back for ages, and it's only the end of week 2! Thank you to the children, the staff and the parents for making the beginning of the new school year a smooth and successful one despite all the additional challenges! Today it was Outdoor Day at Millfields! All classes Y1 -Y6 enjoyed a lovely morning out at Hackney Marshes. They were playing cooperation games, trust games, time trials, den-building, nature art and lots more, as well as a PE lesson outside in the sunshine. Reception children got the chance to play in the new sandpit and climbing frame in the big playground, and they loved it!

Well done to all the Reception and Nursery children who have started to come in through the gates on their own now and skipping down to their classrooms.  There are still a few children finding the morning separation difficult but they will soon join their classmates - parents don't worry!  The children will get there in their own time! From Monday, please leave your child at the main gate and allow them to walk down to the reception playground themselves. Please talk to your children about this over the weekend to ensure they know the expectations.

Thank you to all the Y6, Y1 and Y2 parents who attended the 'Welcome Meetings' this week - I hope you found them useful.  The PowerPoint will be emailed to you for information and for those who could not attend.  If your child is in Y1-Y6, you will also  receive a Class Information Page that will give you an overview of the curriculum expectations and topics for this term, as well as other useful and important information for your child's class.

IMPORTANT: Please make sure we have the correct email contact details, and at least 2 in-service phone numbers -this is essential for safeguarding and emergency purposes. Please email info@millfields.hackney.sch.uk if you need to update your details.

Thanks also, for your cooperation and understanding while we ensure that the very popular club lists are established and tried and tested routines are put back in place. We will continue to review and keep you informed of any changes, and strive to find the best solutions. I am aware that there was a lot of disappointment about not getting the clubs that you wanted but we unfortunately have limited space on each day, although we have introduced additional new and exciting clubs this year that we hope your child might enjoy.

On Wednesday, Year 6 classes visited Kew Gardens as an initial stimulus for their learning on the Amazon and Year 2 classes enjoyed a workshop to spark their curiosity for learning about Africa in their Geography lessons

All classes will have a visit linked to their Geography learning each term. As many of you know, we have lots of other trips planned for throughout the year, so if you have not already, please complete the permission form within the Google Form on the link below to give permission for all London trips this academic year here:https://forms.gle/b83AKv6rYDza71D38

Y4 Yangtze class had a special treat on Thursday as they visited the local School of Food to take part in a new session called 'bee and biodiversity'. This session was led by a trained beekeeper, and the children got an insight into pollinator habitats and life cycles, how they make honey, and the role of a beekeeper. They also got to look inside the beehives and made a honey-based recipe to explore the journey from hive to honeypot!

A reminder that we have our, now annual, Dog show, 'Dog's Day Out' that will be taking place on Saturday 23rd September in the school playground.

Finally, a reminder that on Tuesday 17th September, we have professional photographers in school to take individual school photos.  On this day, please wear school uniform, and shoes even if it is PE, and bring PE clothes with you.

Have a good weekend, and enjoy the sunshine! Take care and stay well.

Best Wishes,
