Home & Remote Learning
Home and School Partnership
Millfields Community School is committed to working in close partnership with families and recognises each family is unique and because of this, remote learning will look different for different families in order to suit their individual needs.
Our Remote Learning Strategy, updated in January 2022, clearly sets out our aims and how it will be implementated. Additionally, all children will sign an ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ at school that includes e-safety rules and this applies when children are working on computers at home. Parents are also asked to sign an ‘Acceptable Use Policy’ to support their child’s learning at home. We have also produced a Live Learner User Agreement which clearly sets out expectations and guidance for remote lessons.
Millfields Community School will provide an online training session and induction for parents on how to use Google Classroom and other learning platforms including Maths whizz, Times Tables Rock Stars and Language Nut as appropriate.
If necessary, and where possible, it is beneficial for young people to maintain a regular and familiar routine. Millfields Community School would recommend that each ‘school day’ maintains structure. Your child’s class teacher will share a daily overview with you and keep you informed of the structure for each day.
We would encourage parents to support their children’s work, including finding an appropriate place to work and, to the best of their ability, support pupils with work encouraging them to work with good levels of concentration.
Every effort will be made by staff to ensure that work is set promptly. Should accessing work be an issue, parents should contact school promptly and alternative solutions may be available. These will be discussed on case-to-case basis.
In line with Millfields Community School’s ‘digital charter’, we would encourage parents to follow the ‘digital 5 a day’ framework, which provides practical steps to support a healthy and balanced digital diet.
All subjects
BBC Bitesize - Lockdown learning
Oak Academy - Excellent free virtual lessons covering all areas. Especially good for foundation subjects
Numbots – Early Maths skills for Reception to Year 2 although all children can access this.
Times Tables Rock Stars – Multiplication table practice for years 1 - 6. All children have a login.
Maths Whizz – Maths Learning for years 1 - 6. All children have a login.
I See Maths – video maths lessons for years 1 -6. A new Maths lesson will be shown every day. Highly recommended.
White Rose Maths – online video lessons which support our school maths work – new lessons will be published each week
The Maths Factor – Maths lessons and activities linked to the National Curriculum – ages 4 – 12. Free to access
Khan Academy – Free resources for children aged 2-18.
Carol Vorderman videos and worksheets for maths lessons.
Sum Dog has personalised maths and spelling you can try for free.
Mindfulness and exercise for the whole family
Mindfulness help and webinars for parents from Pearson
Phonics and Reading
Oxford Reading Owl – All children have free access to thousands of amazing books online! Please contact your class teacher or Sheyenne if unsure of login details.
Phonics Play – Free to parents now. Username: march20 Password: home
Daily lessons including phonics on Twinkl TV.
Read Write Inc – Free online phonics books and parent support videos that support our learning in school
Audible – Free stories to listen to for children of all ages.
Story Time from Space – astronauts reading stories from space
Speed Sound lessons from RWInc – Speed Sounds Set 1 (Reception) – 9.30 am (GMT), Speed Sounds Set 2 (Year 1) – 10.00 am, Speed Sounds Set 3 (Year 1 and 2) – 10.30 am
Read Write Inc has its phonics videos on YouTube.
Schoolastic Book Club has free activities and games, mostly aimed at primary pupils.
News Mag Media have made their content free. Great for supporting children with their non-fiction reading.
ReadingWise has made their literacy materials free during the school closures.
Researchify have classic children's literature in audiobook and PDF.
Primary school children might enjoy these free resources and videos from Carly Hart. They have been designed to encourage a love of reading and created by the author herself.
Sentence Stacking – Daily Writing lesson broadcast at 9:45am daily. Available to watch on demand.
Teachit – Free resources for KS3, 4 and 5 all following the English national curriculum.
Audible Stories has made all of its classic children’s stories free.
On Twitter, Patrick Stewart (@sirpatstew) is reading a sonnet a day.
Science & Geography
Watch science experiments with Colorado University.
Online physics demonstrations for students of all ages.
Explore the world with videos capturing activity all over the planet with Project Explore.
PE with Joe – Daily half hour PE/fitness session with Joe Wicks. Live at 9am every day. Available to watch on demand.
English National Ballet with live ballet lessons.
The FitNut has free PE resources for nursery and primary children.
Scratch Tutorials - Specific skills
Scratch Tutorials - More advanced projects
Coding for kids daily lessons.
The code.org youtube channel
Minecraft: The Education Edition is popular with children already – these resources all have an educational purpose.
Hosted by Barclays, Digital Eagles have live lessons on coding available on YouTube.
Spanish & Modern Languages
Language Nut - Spanish language digital resource subscription service paid for by the school.
Duolingo – A free app for your phone for students to work on their language skills, or try a new language.
Memrise – Learn language through games and video clips on this online app.
Rosetta Stone – For the school closure period, Rosetta Stone has given free access to its language learning resources.
Charanga – All the children in the school have a login - please contact your teacher or Roz if unsure.
General Sites
Twinkl – Get a month of free access using code CVDTWINKLHELPS
Tes resources – Everything from EYFS to key stage 5. All home learning packs have been made free on this link.
BBC Bitesize – Learning opportunities across the whole curriculum for KS1 and KS2
Classroom Secrets – Learning opportunities across the whole curriculum for EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Researchify – Search engine for children to look up child friendly information
Twig and TigTag Education – Free resources for students aged 4-16.
Teachit – Free resources for KS3, 4 and 5 all following the English national curriculum.
Classroom Secrets – A range of free resources for primary school-aged children.
TTS – A choice of free workbooks for primary-aged children.
Robin Hood MAT – Learning projects for EYFS and primary school pupils.
Ark Mastery Programme – English and maths four-week booklets for students from Years R-9.
Emile – All resources made free during school closures.
Pobble 365 – One free resource every day of the year.
Purple Mash – Resources aimed at primary school-aged children have been made free now schools have closed.
Century Tech – English, maths and science resources for primary and secondary students.
Teacher’s Pet – Wide range of resources for primary pupils.
PebbleGo – You can find free packs for KS2 and 3 students on this resource website.
Mrs Macavity has free home learning packs for ages 3-11.
Primary Stars Education is normally a subscription service, but has made packs for year one and two free during school closures.
Study online at Eton for free! (Y6 and above)
Museums, Art Galleries and other places of interest
British Museum – virtually visit the British Museum using Google Street View
The British Museum has made its online collections free to the public.
The Natural History Museum has free virtual tours.
The National Gallery has a great virtual tour
The Tate Gallery has a 360-degree virtual tour online.
Explore soaring vaulted ceilings & stunning artwork in this tour of the Sistine Chapel.
The famous Guggenheim museum in New York where I once saw the Guernica
View the latest exhibitions at The National Gallery virtual tours.
Watch The Wind in the Willows stage production online.
NASA Kids is perfect for space fans. Learn all about the universe we live in by viewing these online videos.