Curriculum and Assessment



We first want to ensure all pupils feel safe, secure and mentally well in order for them to be able to access a broad, balanced curriculum and a range of enrichment experiences. We want our pupils to be curious about the world they live in and experience a curriculum that enables them to flourish and be successful. We want to ensure that all pupils are ‘secondary ready’ when they leave Millfields and that they leave with the requisite skills to be independent, motivated learners with the resilience to cope with the next stage of their education. We want to set high expectations for every pupil in order to stretch the most able pupils and support our pupils with special educational needs. We want to ensure additionality of opportunity to ensure that the gap between our disadvantaged pupils and others is always closing.


We have organised our curriculum using a range of termly humanities topic areas. A cross curricular approach allows immersion in knowledge and vocabulary which is used to support learning in other curriculum areas, especially English. Where links are pertinent they are used to support pupils to build schema and deepen understanding but where subject specific skills and knowledge are required they are taught discreetly in order to maintain the integrity of the subject disciplines. Subjects are delivered through sequences of lessons based on progressive milestones. Learning is systematically revisited to deepen understanding and to try to maximise retention of key skills and knowledge. Teachers strive to meet the needs of all learners, whatever their starting points, when planning and delivering lessons and ensure that learning within subjects is culturally diverse. Millfields is also committed to ensuring learning is contextualised and broadened through a range of inspiring and engaging additional learning experiences which support the development of the whole child and prepares them to be effective British citizens within both a local and global community.


We will continue to review the impact of our curriculum through learning walks, parent and pupil voice and book looks. We will continue to ask ourselves these challenging questions:

● How well are key subject knowledge and skills consolidated before moving onto the next topic? How do we know?

● How well developed are pupils’ learning habits and learning skills? How do we know?

● How do we use evidence of pupils’ learning to feed into planning and adaptation of the curriculum?

● How well are children learning the content outlined in the curriculum? How do we know?

● How well are pupils prepared for the next stage of education? Where do they go?

● How do we know our curriculum is having an effect across all pupils, including those who are disadvantaged or have low attainment

At Millfields Community School we offer a curriculum which is broad and balanced to ensure every child reaches their full potential and has access to a range of educational experiences whatever their starting points or circumstance. The curriculum incorporates the statutory requirements of the National Curriculum 2014. Millfields continues to reflect, revise and adapt the school curriculum on a regular basis.

Pupils at Millfields are provided with a rich, varied and comprehensive curriculum that reflects the National Curriculum, the interests of the school, its staff, pupils, parents and the wider national and global communities that we are a part of. Mathematics at Millfields is based on the White Rose maths program whilst English is contextualized and taught through topic and through carefully selected texts.

Specialist teachers support the teaching of music, Modern Foreign Languages & Physical Education. Subject leaders are given opportunity to develop their own subject knowledge, skills and understanding so they can support curriculum development in the subjects they lead. Themed weeks, trips and opportunities to engage in workshops within and outside school enrich and develop the children’s learning. The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of our pupils and their understanding of the core values of our society are woven through the curriculum.

We set high expectations for every pupil. We aim to stretch the most-able pupils by planning suitable and relevant learning challenges but also plan carefully for the needs of pupils who belong to vulnerable groups including ensuring that the needs of pupils with SEND are fully met.

Developing independent, resilient, inspired and motivated life-long learners with a sense of responsibility as future citizens is at the heart of all of our teaching and learning.

What do we teach at Millfields?

The core subjects are:

● English (Reading, Writing, SPaG, Speaking & Listening)

● Maths

● Science

The Foundation Subjects are:

● Computing

● Personal, Social, Health & Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

● Physical Education

● Music

● Humanities incorporating Geography and History

● Religious Education

● Design Technology

● Creative Arts

● Spanish

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum or would like further information, do not hesitate to contact the school via the main office or email

Whole School Overview: (Click for PDF)

Year Curriculum Maps (Click for PDF's)




Marking & Feedback Policy



There are a number of statutory assessments that the school must complete. ● EYFS Baseline and end of EYFS Profile

● Y1 Phonics check

● Y2 SATs

● Y4 Multiplication check

● Y6 SATs

As well as this we complete a suite of tests twice a year using NFER test papers in reading and maths and we use teacher assessment in writing. We use this data to check on progress, to highlight gaps in learning and to look at pupils who need additional support or intervention in order to help them secure expected progress or make accelerated progress towards outcomes. Many assessments are ongoing throughout the year and check on learning after units of learning have been completed or at the end of a topic.