Eco Champs
There are 21 Eco Champs representing every class at Millfields. We meet every half term to discuss ways we can make our school, community and planet a better place for everyone - we are Planet Protectors. Click here to find out more! Additionally, this clip gives a great insight into global warning, aimed at children.
We aim to be as sustainable as possible and whilst we do so, encourage others to join us on our journey to protect our present and future.
At Millfields we:
1. Have just been awarded the Eco Schools Silver award and will be working towards our Green flag next year.

2. Have installed a 20kWp Solar PV array on our roofs, reducing energy costs of £152,005 over the panels lifespan and reducing CO2 emissions by 359,000 tonnes. To find out more on how you can and we are harnessing renewable energy at Millfields go to
3. Have replaced our old-fashioned school lighting with state-of-the-art LED motion sensor lighting reducing our carbon footprint and making our energy use more sustainable.
4. Compost our food waste.
5. Use a wormery and water buts to let nature help us help it.
We are building up our roof terrace as a sensory garden to create habitats for wild life and to increase the bee population.
6. Ensure that every class has Recycling bins and the class Eco champ is responsible for ensuring it it used effectively.
7. Participate, via our Eco Champs, in a 6 week anti water pollution project on the River Lea.
9. Held lots of workshops and activities involving the community to engage others in environmental activities.
10. Have managed to stop cars from driving near school during pick up and drop off times and run a success full walk to school week and an ongoing WOW year round walking to school challenge.
11. Planned our Summer Fair to have an Eco theme. It was Plastic Free and showcased our Eco activities and stance to the local community.
12. Focused on reducing Plastic waste at Millfields. Our Eco Champs ran an Eco Stall at the summer fair selling Bamboo reusable cups, paper straws and anti littering sign.
13. Hold regular outdoor days at Hackney Marshes where children and staff are encouraged to connect with their local natural environment.
14. Sent our Eco Champs to visit the team at Greenpeace!
15. Encourage both children and staff to travel to school using bikes. We have a large bike shed and there was a huge turnout for a recently organised 'bikers breakfast'.
16. Organised a 'Great British Spring Clean' as part of the recent Keep Britain Clean campaign. Please click here for more details.