Autistic Resource Provision
Millfields is one of the Hackney Primary Schools with an Autism Resourced Provision for 12 pupils, all of whom must have a diagnosis of ASD and an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP).
Our aim is to provide a positive and enjoyable school experience in which our pupils can learn, and to enable them to benefit from a mainstream school as well as providing specialist input relevant to each child’s needs as a young person with autism. We celebrate the talents and achievements of our children and aim to create a calm and happy atmosphere for them.
Placement in one of the ARPs is decided by a panel of relevant professionals at Hackney Learning Trust in February assigning places for the following September. Information for this panel is supplied by professionals currently working with your child. Parents can express a preference for an ARP place
Once your child has been given a place, there will be a thorough transition, in liaison with yourselves as parents and with professionals working with your child.
We work in close liaison with parents, with daily contact through face to face meeting for those who bring and collect their child or Home School Books, phone and email contact for pupils who travel on the School Bus. Parents who need transport can apply to Hackney Learning Trust. Parents are encouraged to attend school parents’ evenings with their child’s class teacher and staff from the ARP to discuss progress.
All pupils in the ARP have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, differentiated where appropriate based on thorough ongoing assessment incorporating P-levels, National Curriculum Targets and Early Learning Goals alongside SCERTS targets. As well as learning in class, our pupils in the ARP take part in a varied programme which may include gardening, swimming, cooking, trips in the community, music and art. We aim to introduce activities that the young person may develop into hobbies and interests as they get older. We teach independence and living skills, always with the view of what they will need to know as they get older. We also have a 5 day residential trip each year, where the children to develop their independence, gain new skills and interests. The residential is an opportunity for ARP children to spend time away from the hustle and bustle of London and spend time with their class friends.
We aim to engage pupils in exciting and engaging learning opportunities that are based around their interests using ASD specific supports to ensure that each individual makes progress.
Personalised (or IEP) targets are set and reviewed 3 times a year in discussion with you and include learning goals for your child in reading, writing, mathematics as well as Autism specific skills, such as Social Communication and Interaction, Emotional Regulation (learning to understand their feelings and manage their own behaviour), and increasing flexibility of thinking and behaving. For those for whom it is appropriate we will help them to understand what ASD means for them and present it as a difference rather than a disability.
No one single ASD programme or approach is followed: we may use TEACCH, SCERTS, Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS), Intensive Interaction, Makaton, Positive Behaviour support strategies, Social Stories, Social Safety training, life and independence skills training depending on the needs of each individual.
The whole school behaviour policy is adapted within the ARP to support children with their Autism specific needs. Each pupil in the ARP will have a Behaviour Support and Positive Handling Plan to outline possible triggers for behaviour and consistent strategies to help them manage their behaviour more appropriately. This will be discussed and agreed with you as parents.
Your child will be supported by a team including Specialist teacher, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist, Specialist Learning Support Assistants. Additional support may be sought from outside agencies including Occupational Therapy and psychologists.
Your child will be included in whole class trips, any lessons that are appropriate including PE, music, ICT. We facilitate interaction with peers through Circle of friends or buddy systems, structured play, communication groups and wherever possible find opportunities for inclusion
If you would like more information please contact Lucy Tandon, ARP Manager on 0208 985 7898 or