What pupils say about our school
We regularly seek the views of pupils about all areas relating to school. The School Council ensure that the pupil voice is heard. Regular reviews of learning enable pupils to feed back to different staff about their learning and the curriculum each week.
"My teacher does really good circle time and we talk about our behaviour and our learning."
'Maths Week was good because it taught us about how we need Maths in every day life, for doing surveys and charts about transport or using measurements to design things.'
"Democarcy Week was amazing. The whole school was chanting and talking about who they were going to vote for. The Green Stars party won!'
"The teachers care about us and make our learning fun."
"In year 6 we did some very challenging Maths to prepare us for secondary school."
"The WOW! Trips are the best thing. We went to the St Albans to learn about the Romans."
"The thing that I enjoyed most was the residential because I got to sleep in a tent with my friends."
"I love the special days we have to learn about different things like in Work Week when the lady from Dogs Trust came in with her dog and when the business men came in to talk to Year 6."
I love learning to play the guitar with Tom. He makes the learning fun and I find it easy to play the chords he teaches us.'
"I like being a Friendship Finder because I help little children to find friends and play in the playground. Chris makes sure that we are helping the children in the playground and sorts out anything that we need help with."
"I like being in the Article 12 Group because we get to talk to our class about things in the school and then we tell Roz and Jane who try to answer our questions and make things happen!"
"I like learning Spanish and saying things to my friends in Spanish"
"I like the way we learn in reading, called 'Destination Reader'. We are able to discuss the text more and think about how the author makes us feel."
"We go on trips to the park and pick up leaves and snails and things like that."
"I like to work with Dudley because he helps me with my work and makes it easier for me to understand."
'My favourite thing is Forest School with Bruno. We get to climb tress and do lots of fun things.'
Each Subject Leader collects pupil voice evidence as part of their monitoring and evaluation of the subject that they lead. This term's outcomes will be shared soon.